Translation is written translation. It can be free or sworn.



Recommended for:

Videos that need subtitles of the original or a foreign language.

How it works:

The translation for subtitling is adapted to fit the video and synchronize with the image.


At Fox, your video will be translated by a professional specialized in the area of transcription/translation and editing of subtitles for videos.

Legendagem de vídeos

Audio Transcription

Recommended for:

Audio files that need to be converted to text files.

How it works:

A translator converts the audio file to a text file in the original or target language. Includes editing, adaptation and spelling and grammar proofing.


The Fox translator transcribes your audio in the original language or another. An agile process that eliminates the need to go through a transcriber and later a translator.

Transcrição de áudio e vídeo

Certified and Sworn

Recommended for:

Any type of text in a native or foreign language that requires translation for official purposes, in which the translator offers full faith and credit of the integrity and accuracy of the translation.

How it works:

Documents such as certificates, portfolios, affidavits that require sworn and internationally recognized translation. We deliver the translation to your home or office and send you a digital copy.


We deliver the translation to your home or office and send you a digital copy of your certified translation. The affidavit of certification is by translators affiliated with the ATA (American Translators Association).

Traducao Juramentada

Technical and Scientific

Recommended for:

Any type of technical text that needs translation.

How it works:

The translation always goes through a revision process and each part of the process is performed by a different professional.


In addition to revision to which all jobs are subject, translators are always selected according to their area of experience and expertise.

Tradução Técnica

Transcreation and Localization (Marketing, Sites and Applications)

Recommended for:

Marketing materials such as websites, brochures or PPT presentations that require formatting and original layout, as well as language adapted to the target audience and location.

How it works:

The text is not only translated, but also adapted to the target audience and location. Websites and applications need to be transcribed, meaning that they require more than just translation, they must be recreated.


Our professionals are native speakers of both the target language and the source language. The text always goes through two professionals, one as a translator and one as a revisor.

Transcriação de conteúdo


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